Saturday, August 21, 2010

Welcome to my world of narcissism

Welcome to my blog. I hope to share my thoughts, feelings and ideas about my life in China. I want to state clearly first off that I love China and the people who make up this exciting country. I also want to give a word of warning that some material will be unedited, this is my life, and that it may seem insensitive. I feel like I have some right to make a few jokes or point-out some things that are uncomfortable, un-enjoyable or just down-right hilarious. Keep in mind, I only say this because this is MY blog and MY thoughts. I don't encourage anyone to form opinions solely upon my inept thoughts. I do hope to inspire curiosity in a world that I will now begin to know on an intimate level.

For those who may not know, I will be teaching in Jishou (look it up on the internets) China for 10 months or so. I will be teaching oral English in a middle school with students who will undoubtedly embody every level of English except highly advanced. I have mentally prepared myself as much as possible of feelings of isolation and loneliness. I do however feel that this is an experience I can not pass up, and will continue to grow as a human of this pale blue dot in the coming months. I will try to update often and I highly encourage and appreciate your comments and discussion. Please "follow" the blog so I know who is watching. Thanks for reading.


  1. My son is going to study in Beijing beginning this September. And your blog does help...
    Keep on writing and have a nice day....
